Asto Group aims to develop sustainably attractive properties that offer long-term added value. During implementation, asto is guided by the climate goals and the 2030 Agenda to best assume ecological, social, and corporate responsibility.

The sustainable development of campus projects requires a holistic and integrative approach. In keeping with the ONE approach, asto creates a place where collaboration between different disciplines, sectors, and actors is possible. This is how asto Group brings sustainable construction together with human well-being.

Together with everyone involved, asto Group is therefore developing flexible, multivariable spaces tailored to the user that meet changing user needs and the user experience. Asto offers an inclusive work environment that promotes the health, safety, and well-being of users. At the same time, the goal is to make business activities as resource-efficient and sustainable as possible during construction.

Asto strives to reduce possible negative effects of its activities. For the campus projects, asto therefore implements energy efficiency measures, relies on renewable energies, limits resource consumption, and thus increases the use of the property. Sustainable building materials, smart mobility concepts, effective building automation, and PV systems are examples of sustainable operations. Asto Group acts as a proactive, transparent, and responsible designer who is aware of the physical and transitory challenges and promotes responsible development together with all stakeholders.

The ESG concept together with the ONE approach reinforces and complements each other in sustainable development and the necessary transformation for the generations of tomorrow. Asto Group's project developments can therefore meet the increasing demands for environmental and social responsibility and benefit from innovative strength and resilience.

Objectives and measures

We are a company committed to sustainable neighborhood development. Our goals and actions contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which strive for a sustainable future in economic, social, and environmental terms. We implement these goals and measures from the catalog:

Quality education

Development of science and technology clusters in cooperation with universities and scientific institutions to train and retain young talent.

Equality between women and men

Generational diversity and gender equality with an equal proportion of men and women in the team

Clean water

Implementation of integrated water resource management with concepts for the reuse of rainwater and standard installation of water-saving fittings.

Affordable and clean energy

Own geothermal energy projects and use resource-saving and renewable energy sources in all

Decent work and economic growth

Trusting, familiar, and safe working environment with a focus on the well-being and further development of employees. Aligning the corporate strategy with ESG criteria with long-term growth in which everyone can feel comfortable.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Promoting energy-sustainable and future-oriented jobs that are focused on research, development, and innovation in the field of life sciences

Sustainable cities and communities

Development of inclusive, flexible, resilient, modern, and sustainable spaces for todays and all future generations.

Climate action

Decarbonization measures for a climate-neutral office: switching to green electricity and an employee vehicle fleet that is already 90% fully electrified

Partnerships for sustainable development

Integrative partnership with cities, municipalities, and educational institutions. Promotion of start-ups for positive and sustainable development impulses and regional donations for non- profit associations and organizations